Project Management / Research / Ideation & Concept Generation / Prototyping / 3D Modelling / Documentation & Presentation
Software & Tools
Solidworks / Cinema 4D / Adobe Collection
Nokia Cocoon
Packaging Design Case for UPM Formi
The Nokia Cocoon is a concept created for UPM as part of the Advanced Product Design module at Aalto University as a team of 3. In order to best utilize the physical & mechanical properties of UPM's ForMi (a new cellulose fiber reinforced plastic composite consisting of up to 50% renewable raw materials), a packaging concept for Nokia was developed.
The smartphone package Nokia Cocoon, can be transformed into a phone holder for your car by assembling the outer package using additional, smaller components that are located within. Once assembled, the device is placed into the cars cup holder, providing an easy solution for optimal fixation of your phone for calls or use of the navigation system.